ARCH Flagship Report: Synergistic Governance of Health-Driven Air Pollution and Climate Change - Scientific Research Evidence

ARCH Flagship Report: Synergistic Governance of Health-Driven Air Pollution and Climate Change - Scientific Research Evidence
In 2024, Energy Foundation China supported Peking University, together with Fudan University and other organizations, to release the “ARCH Flagship Report: Synergistic Governance of Health-Driven Air Pollution and Climate Change - Evidence from Scientific Research.”
The report was compiled by constructing a system of indicators of the impacts of air pollution and climate change on human health in China.
The report for the first time systematically distills and summarizes key areas and corresponding indicators of the health impacts of air pollution and climate change in China, analyzes core issues on the path toward a healthy and beautiful China, and proposes ideas for health-driven synergistic governance of air pollution and climate change.