
Achievement Summary of Pilot City for Building Energy Efficiency in Shenzhen

Achievement Summary of Pilot City for Building Energy Efficiency in Shenzhen

Publish Date:
Jul 23, 2006

China's Ministry of Construction (MOC) issued new residential building energy codes for its 'Hot-Summer Warm-Winter' (HSWW) climate zone at the end of 2003. One of our four building codes implementation pilot cities in the HSWW climate zone, Shenzhen is among the cities leading the country in implementing these codes. This report by the Shenzhen Institute of Building Research (SIBR) describes the building inspection procedures, technical standards, and building energy efficiency calculation software developed by SIBR to help Shenzhen implement these codes. It also details SIBR's efforts to train inspectors and technicians on building energy efficiency and codes implementation and to conduct a pilot project in a town near Shenzhen demonstrating the effectiveness of the SIBR.

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