
International Experience with Mandatory Market Policies

International Experience with Mandatory Market Policies

Publish Date:
Jul 1, 2002

 The following papers were authored by the Center for Resource Solutions for the China State Development Planning Commission. For more information on their projects in China, check out our grants list and their website

US RPS Case Studies.doc: This document summarizes three states' RPS policies: Maine, Wisconsin, and Texas. Each state case study contains information on the historical background, legislative process, regulatory implementation, and the effectiveness of the policy and provides a copy of the actual regulation. In addition, this document contains a summary of RPS design lessons and comparative analysis of different approaches. (33 pages)

Australia RPS Case Study.doc: This is a short summary of the key components of the Australian renewable energy obligation, including date enacted, target quantities, timeline for compliance, eligible technologies, and penalties. (1 page)

Overview of Australia RPS.doc: This short paper gives an overview of the general principles, goals, and application of the Australian renewable energy obligation under the Renewable Energy Act 2000. It briefly explains whom the obligation applies to, how much these parties are required to purchase, and what types of renewable facilities apply. It also discusses compliance issues including incentives, use of renewable certificates to track compliance, and enforcement. (6 pages)

Update on Texas RPS.pdf: This paper provides a detailed analysis of the Texas RPS. It describes the key design elements of the Texas RPS, and shows how these design elements were successful in fostering the development of nearly 1000MW of new wind capacity. The paper describes how the RPS is implemented in Texas. The paper closes with some conclusions about RPS policy and the design and implementation components that make RPS policies successful. (17 pages)

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