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Apr 1, 2013

Developing Routes for Large Public Buildings and Government Invested Public Welfare Buildings

This project conducted extensive investigations on the implementation status of green large public buildings (LPB) and government invested welfare buildings (GIWB), and then proposed the general objectives for the development of green building in the next several years. To achieve these goals, detailed developing routes were planned in order to effectively promote the compulsory execution of green building construction, with supplementary measures for process supervision and security management. In the end, the entire research results were presented in the form of a legislative draft for the enforcement of green LPB and GIWB construction.
Apr 1, 2013

Summary Report of China Black Carbon Studies and Control Policies

This report delivers a summary of scientific studies and control measures and policies on black carbon in China based on the third “International Workshop on Black Carbon: Impacts and Control Strategies”.
Mar 30, 2013

Feasibility Study on Establishment of Carbon Trading Scheme in Building Sector in China

The Kyoto Protocol signed in 1997 caps the emissions of greenhouse gas including carbon dioxide. The move makes carbon emission rights become scarce, thus the global carbon market and trading of carbon emission allowance and credits taking shape. Under the arrangement of the framework of Kyoto Protocol during the past ten years, carbon trading scheme has gradually become the one of the preferred political instrument by many countries to address climate change issues.
Dec 5, 2012

Study on the Economics of Green Buildings in China

Green Building projects may need additional investments, but they will also generate benefits. The difference between cost and benefits are the economic profits. However, for Green Buildings of different uses, and constructed at different times, the respective costs and the benefits would vary significantly. It is important to study the cost and benefits of Green Buildings from an economics perspective and assess their economic efficiency. Through a study on selected sample projects which have attained the different "Star" Grades under the China‟s Evaluation Standard for Green Buildings, this research project looks into the economics of Green Buildings in China, provides an overall framework for the assessment of the cost and benefits associated with these projects, and proposes directions for future policy development.
Dec 5, 2012

Building China's Sustainable Cities Future

Introduction of Energy Foundation China Sustainable Cities Program
Aug 30, 2012

Development Planning Research of Green Building in Chongqing

To start the green building work comprehensively; to investigate the technology application, industrial development and work progress of green buildings in Chongqing; to clear and definite the development status of green buildings; to further clarify the development idea of green buildings in Chongqing; to put forward scientific and feasible development planning of green buildings in Chongqing; to promote the effective progress of green building work in Chongqing and to plan to launch development planning research of green buildings in Chongqing.
Aug 29, 2012

The Zero Energy Building Using Renewable Energy with Chinese Character

The national demonstration project of renewable energy building in Huazhong University of Science and Technology, approved by the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, is achieved to build up a teaching or office building with renewable energy use to adjust temperature and comfortableness all year in Hot-summer & Cold winter area. There is used the Active Dynamic Air Envelope with air inter-layer. Fully use the advantage of underground temperature balance in a year and utilize renewable energy to adjust the flesh air temperature. The Underfloor Air Distribution System is including circle water with underground cool or hot source, underfloor radiator and flesh air vent. The used power of comfort adjusting system is equal or smaller than generated solar energy all year from photovoltaic cell on building roof. This project will store up solar hot in autumn and air cool in spring into underground for anti-reason use.
Aug 29, 2012

Research of Energy Efficiency and Carbon Emission Reduction of Cool Roof in China

The project aims at quantifying the method of energy efficiency and CO2 emission reduction of cool roof in urban regional of China, and providing the theory and data support.
Aug 10, 2012

Research and Study of Application Potential of River Water Source Heat Pumps in Buildings in Chongqing and Research on the Special Planning

Large-scale application of river water source heat pumps in buildings.The research involves the research and analysis on river water resources (including Yangtze River, Jialing River, Wujiang River, etc.) in Chongqing, to make clear the quantity, quality and distribution characteristics of river water resources, analyze their availability and usable amount, provide suggestions on the appropriate zone, guarantee mechanism and incentive measures for the planning implementation based on geographical features, climatic environment, local resources, forms of building structures and other characteristics of Chongqing, and sequentially provide a guarantee for promoting the technology promotion and application of river water source heat pumps in Chongqing as well as improve the quality of energy utilization for air conditioning and reduce the energy consumption.
Aug 1, 2012

Green Growth for China, A Literature Review

This paper summarizes a sizable literature that traces China’s rapid economic growth and the associated environmental problems to its unique and fundamental institutions, and discuss the implications of this on how China might grow more sustainably.

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