Developing Paths for Green Building in Tianjin to Achieve the Energy-saving and Pollutant-reduction Objectives

Developing Paths for Green Building in Tianjin to Achieve the Energy-saving and Pollutant-reduction Objectives
According to The National "12th Five-year Plan" Energy Saving and Emission Reduction Program, the energy intensity per unit GDP of Tianjin should be reduced by 18% in the 12th five-year. With the development of the tertiary industry and the rapid reduction of industrial energy consumption, construction industry must take more responsibilities in energy-saving. Meanwhile, as the economy center of northern China, Tianjin should take the lead and become a representative of "Green Building Alliance in Northeast, Northwest and North China". Therefore, Tianjin should establish a sophisticated developing path in the promotion of green building development, and vigorously enhance the transformation of green building development mode. This will set an example for other northern cities and also promote the large-scale development of green buildings in the nationwide.
Based on Tianjin’s energy saving and emission reduction objectives, this project analyzed the energy-saving responsibility taken by industrial, construction, and transportation industries under different scenarios, and further investigated the energy saving potential of new energy-efficient buildings, retrofitting of existing buildings, applications of renewable energy, and green buildings. The strategic targets, key work, and key tasks of green building development in Tianjin were determined, and the developing mode was perfected with the considerations from system construction, supervision mechanisms, incentives policies and others, with the intention to promote the large-scale development of green building and build a sound foundation for the formulation of Tianjin Green Building Action Plan.
Based on The National "12th Five-year Plan" Energy Saving and Emission Reduction Program issued by the state council, the influences arisen from economy industrial structure, energy-saving potential, environmental capacity and the industrial layout, and the increasing trends of GDP and the terminal energy consumption in the 11th five-year of Tianjin, this project analyzed the energy demands of industry, construction, transportation, and other areas respectively at varying energy consumption rate per unit GDP when the growth rate of Tianjin’s GDP remains at a level of 10%,12%, and 15% separately in the 12th five-year, to ensure the achievement of the overall objectives for energy- saving and carbon emission reduction. It is found that the total energy demands of Tianjin, when the GDP growth rate was maintained at 15%,is 1.13 times as much as that for 12% in the 12th five-year. To ensure the rapid development of Tianjin’s economy, the achievement of energy-saving objectives in the construction industry which accounts for an energy consumption percentage of 25% of the total energy consumption, plays an important role in the realization of Tianjin's energy saving and emission reduction targets.
This project analyzed the energy saving and emission reduction demands of construction industry at different economic development speeds. Under a balanced development mode for all the industries, the energy consumption of construction industry in the 12th five-year should be reduced by 2.18-2.80 million tce, 2.42-3.10milliontce, and 2.59-3.32 million tce at a GDP growth rate of 10%, 12%, 15%, separately. To fully support the achievements of the overall targets, the construction industry should conserve energy by 3.32 million tce. Based on Tianjin"12th Five-year Plan" Energy Saving and Emission Reduction Program and Tianjin "12th Five-year Plan" Programming of Building Energy Saving, an energy saving of 0.8492 million tce can be reached through existing building retrofitting, and the application of renewable energy can conserve energy by 0.9057 million tce. Based on Tianjin "12th Five-year Plan" Programming of Building Energy Saving, the total energy demands in construction industry can be reduced by 3.33 million tce if the new green buildings can account for 29% of the new constructed buildings by the end of 2015, in which 0.7295 million tce (22%) are achieve by new green buildings, 0.8441 million tce (25%) achieved by new energy efficient buildings, 0.8492 million tce (26%) by existing building retrofitting, and 0.9057 million tce (27%) by renewable energy applications. Although the construction of green building can only achieve a percentage of 22% in energy conservation, the development of green buildings will promote the development of renewable energy application and construction of energy efficient buildings. All of these will achieve a reduction rate of 77%. Therefore, the promotion of green building construction is an important strategy in the reduction of energy consumption in both the construction industry and the whole society.
To ensure the achievements of energy saving and emission reduction objectives, detailed developing paths and constructive regulatory incentives are of paramount importance in the promotion of green building development. Since July 2013, the new towns (including demonstration towns and small towns), the indemnificatory housing, government invested projects and the large public buildings must be constructed according to green building standards. By the end of 2013, the green building construction area should accounts for 15% of all the newly constructed building area, 20% by the end of 2014, and 30% in 2015. By the end of 2015, the concept of green building development is widely accepted, and the economic incentive mechanism of green buildings and green eco-city development is basically taken shape. Also, the demonstration effects of some projects are significant in the promotion of green building and the new green building area will reach 36 million square meters. From 2015 to 2020, the developing mode of green building will be transformed to the phase of large- scale promotion, and the green buildings can account for over 75% of new buildings at the end of 2020. During the period of 2020 to 2030, green building construction will be largely promoted and the green buildings will account for over 90% of the new buildings by 2025. At the end of 2030, all the buildings will be constructed according to green building standard.
The project also analyzed the incremental costs of 32 green buildings in Tianjin, generalized the incremental expenditures of buildings in different types and star-levels, and proposed constructive compensation mechanisms. In 2012, the incremental costs of green three-star residential buildings and public buildings are ¥150.8 /m2 and ¥218.0 /m2, separately. Including the subsidies from the central government, the total subsidies can reach ¥110 / m2 for Green three-star residential buildings and ¥120 / m2 for Green three-star public buildings. After the implementation of the latest Tianjin Design Standard for Energy Efficiency of Residential and Public Buildings, the incremental cost for two-star green residential building since 2013 can be reduced to ¥25.5/m2, ¥ 68/m2 for two-star green public building, ¥ 42.5/m2 for three-star green residential building, and ¥154/m2 for three-star public building. According to the fiscal subsidies from the central government and Tianjin, building constructed with the lasted standards will obtain subsidies of ¥55/m2 and ¥100/m2 for two-star and three-star green public buildings, respectively, and the total subsidies will reach 960 million yuan. Meanwhile, a special fund for green building should be established and the supervision mechanism of green building should be extended to the whole life period, to ensure the achievements of green building construction objectives and the quality of green building, such as the enhanced management of green building evaluation, green building related products, and green estate management. Furthermore, the local government should enhance the organization and leading ability, laws and regulations, ability construction, publicity and guidance.