Improvement in Air Quality Through Deep Decarbonization of Industrial Parks in Henan’s Cities at the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Air Pollution Transmission Channel

Improvement in Air Quality Through Deep Decarbonization of Industrial Parks in Henan’s Cities at the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Air Pollution Transmission Channel
Due to their concentrated energy consumption, China’s industrial parks have become a key field for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and urban air pollution. In order to help realize deep decarbonization of industrial parks in Henan, a populous province in central China, Energy Foundation China supported the Research Institute of Environmental Sciences at Zhengzhou University to complete this research report, which was published in October 2020.
It presents a deep decarbonization pathway for industrial parks in seven cities of Henan that have an impact on the air quality of the greater Beijing area, featuring clean energy substitution, energy efficiency improvement, industrial structure adjustment, carbon capture and storage, and end-of-pipe treatment. These measures will significantly reduce both greenhouse gas and air pollutant emissions of the 60 industrial parks in these cities.
Researchers hope this report can help accelerate green and low carbon development in these industrial parks, and improve their air quality as well.