
Early Peaking of China’s Carbon Emissions

Early Peaking of China’s Carbon Emissions

Publish Date:
Feb 2, 2019
Energy Research Institute of the National Development and Reform Commissions
Tsinghua University
Renmin University
Chinese Academy of Social Sciences

Since 2014, Energy Foundation China has supported a group of top Chinese think tanks such as the Energy Research Institute of the National Development and Reform Commissions, Tsinghua University, Renmin University, and the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences to research into the feasiblity of peaking China’s carbon emissions as early as possible and the roadmap to realize it.

This report starts from the trajectory of China’s economic transformation, looking into key elements of the low carbon transition, such as industrial structure, dynamics at home and abroad, market application of low carbon technologies, low carbon consumption, green buildings and transportation, as well as urbanization. On the basis of that, it presents systematic and quantitative analysis that considers the social, technical, and political feasibility of China’s low carbon development. In conclusion, it finds that China is probably among the countries that will be most affected by climate change; there is no room to pursue high carbon growth any more; and the energy transformation is happening in China. The report shows that China is very likely to peak its carbon emissions before 2025, laying a solid foundation for the country to explore more ambitious carbon goals and possible pathways to achieve the goals. 

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