Impacts of Climate Policies From Trading Countries on Guangdong’s Key Exporting Industries and Countermeasures

Impacts of Climate Policies From Trading Countries on Guangdong’s Key Exporting Industries and Countermeasures
In January 2023, Guangdong International Engineering Consultant Company released this report analyzing how climate policies of Guangdong’s trading partners might influence the exporting province’s industries and what they can do to better cope with the challenges. The research was conducted with the support of Energy Foundation China.
Through reviewing climate policies of Guangdong’s major exporting countries, this report quantitatively analyzes the impacts of international trade policies—including green tariff—on Guangdong’s export products, industries, and industrial clusters. The report also presents possible solutions to these issues.
In the context of China’s own carbon peaking and neutrality goals, the authors of the report hope the analysis can be helpful as Guangdong’s industries try to be more resilient in terms of aligning with international low carbon standards and achieving high-quality development.