Mandatory Market Policy (Renewable Portfolio Standards, RPS) and Program Design Issues

Mandatory Market Policy (Renewable Portfolio Standards, RPS) and Program Design Issues
The following papers were authored by the Center for Resource Solutions for the China State Development Planning Commission. For more information on their projects in China, check out our grants list and their website
Final RPS Options.doc: This paper identifies the key design principles that define an effective and low-cost RPS policy. Drawing on examples from the states of Maine, Wisconsin and Texas in the US, the paper summarizes the advantages and disadvantages of different design options. The paper concludes with offering some recommendations for possible RPS design options for China. (22 pages)
Feed-in, RPS , tendering final.doc: This paper provides a comparative analysis of feed-in laws and renewable portfolio standards as two policy tools that can help the development of new renewable capacity. It compares the relative merits and disadvantages of each approach both in general and for application in China. It also identifies several policy objectives that can be achieved through these two approaches and identifies which approach has been most successful in meeting each of the various policy goals. (11 pages)
Capacity vs. Energy Based RPS.doc: A discussion of the comparative advantages and disadvantages of a capacity-based renewable energy purchase obligation and an energy-based renewable energy purchase obligation. The memo uses Texas to illustrate the capacity-based approach. (4 pages)
Comparing RPS and SBC Programs.doc: This document contains two tables on renewable policies that have been implemented at the state level in the US. The first contains state-by-state information on the details of the RPS policies, including the purchase requirement, compliance mechanism, penalties, eligibility etc. The second contains state-by-state information on the details of SBC policies including level of funding, administration, resource eligibility, fund distribution, etc. (10 pages)
RPS SBC Combinations.doc: This memo explores the different methods for integrating SBC and RPS policies, using examples from the US. The memo compares the effectiveness of these combinations in reaching various goals and makes recommendations for their use in China. (5 pages)