The National Standard Design Standard for Energy Efficiency of Public Building Amendment Supporting Research

The National Standard Design Standard for Energy Efficiency of Public Building Amendment Supporting Research
1. Investigation and survey of the National Standard implementation.
The work team held the local implement survey seminars as: 1.South region (South and Southwest, covers the hot summer and warm winter zone, and hot summer and cold winter zone with developing economic level), in April 16th, 2. East region (covers hot summer and cold winter zone with developed economic level), in May 7th, 3. North region (North, Northeast, Northwest, covers the cold and sever cold zones), in Jun 6th. Over 80 professionals in and out of the research team attended the seminars. Problems and comments from the attendees were collected for the standard revision reference as an investigation and survey report (Appendix 1).
As the huge/strange public building are common in current China, the building envelop trade-off is indispensable path to restrain the building envelop thermal performance. As the insufficient definition of the trade-off method, there is a come problem in the implementation. To clarify the building envelop trade-off implementation, CABR held a smaller survey for the top 10 building design institutes of China. Based on the survey, the expected output of building envelops trade-off for this revision is proposed (Appendix 2).
2. The standard revision kick-off meeting
The kick-off & first working seminar meeting of the National Standard Revision was held in Beijing in Jun 26th, 2012. The 54 attendees included the deputy director of MoHURD Department of Standard and Norms Mr. Tian Guomin, the deputy division chief Mr.Liang Feng, the vice president of China Academy of Building Research Prof. Huang Qiang, and the revision committee, the consultant committee and the building energy efficiently experts from the US. All the contents of the meeting were sorted out as the meeting summary and submitted. (Appendix 3)
3. Study tour on US building energy standard
From July 29th to August 9th, the deputy division chief of MoHURD Department of Standard and Norms Mr.Liang Feng, and other six professionals from the revision committee participated the US study tour of building energy efficiency standard. The study group visited DOE, State Department, National Laborotries and made round table with the ASHRAE 90.1 standard committee. The study group learned the policies, the standards history and the related fundamental research, which is very valuable for this National Standard revision. The study report has been finished and submitted.
Investigation and Analysis:
1. China’s Public building model establishment
MoHURD helped the research team to contact with the State Statistic Bearu and got the national finished building area statistic data (2009-2011). Based on the data, the distribution of public buildings type in each climate zone has been clarified. Meantime, via analyzing the statistic typical building type proposed by the design institutions’, 7 typical building models are abstracted, which are: big office, small office, big hotel, small hotel, hospital building, school building and shopping center building. Up to date, as PART I of the whole work, the energy simulation model of big office, small office, big hotel and small hotel have been established, all the simulation work have been finished 50%.
2. Investigation on evaluating the HVAC system cooling source
The research team has investigated the partial load performance and energy conservation potential of single and multiple chiller system in office and hotel buildings, approved the feasibility of the technical road map. By analyzed the HVAC system configuration and testing energy data of 58 public buildings, the research team summarized the limitation of the current SCOP index: based on the installed capacity, the SCOP could reflect the matching of chillers and pumps, but for the whole cooling system, it many result in a relatively low energy efficiency.
3. Research on the building energy efficiency target
Via reviewing the international literature, set up the public building energy calculation model; proposed the public building scale forecast model; by collection and analyze the cost of energy saving measures in China market, set up the economic model of the climate zones of China. Up to date, the research team has finished economical analysis of the big office, small office and small hotel, got the relationship between Incremental investment and the energy conservation ratio; furthermore, concluded the recommended value of building envelop heat transfer and the chillers performance requirements.
Main conclusions:
As conclude from the implementation survey, this standard has effectively promoted the energy conservation level in China.To improve the building envelops thermal performance need the cooperation of standard team, designer and software developers.
Establishing the public building model database provide a basis of public building’s energy research of China. But to promote the accuracy of the model relays on the accuracy and information of the national level statistic data and the national level survey of building energy conservation.
This investigation has improved the IPLV evaluation system, proposed an evaluation method for multiple chillers system. Based on the public buildings model, analyzed the limitation of the current SCOP index, and gave an improving suggestion.
Completed an analysis methodology for investment efficiency, concluded the relationship between investments and building energy conservation ratio.
Achievements to Date and Reports to Submit
Report of investigation and survey on the compliance of GB50189-‐2005
Report of Building envelop trade-‐off survey and investigation
Summary of GB50189 Revision Kick-‐off Meeting
Study Report of US study tour of building energy efficiency standards
Public Building model database investigation (finish in Jun)
Investigation of central HVAC system cooling source evaluation and index (finish in Jun)
Research on the target of building energy conservation and its allocation (finish in Jun)
Challenges and Barriers
The revision work is required to finish in the end of 2013. With a lot of important work and limited human resource and time, it is a big challenge to complete everything in this revision. Surely the research will keep forward even after this revision work is done.
China has the shortcoming in fundamental data collection mechanism, which affects the veracity of the building model database. This will be improved as perfecting the statistic mechanism of the nation and improving the quality of the practitioners of the industry. The energy efficiency requirement takes more and more ratio in the design stage, which result in more work for the building mechanism designers. It keeps increasing as the Chinese government pays more and more attention on building energy efficiency. However, there is neither increasing of the income ratio for the building mechanism designers, which is one of the reasons for good implementation of the energy code and standards.