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Dec 28, 2022

Hebei Province’s Co-Control Strategy for Air Pollution and GHGs During the 14th Five-Year Plan Period

In 2022, Energy Foundation China supported Tsinghua University to research on a 2025 co-control strategy for air pollutant and greenhouse gas emissions in Hebei, a northern China manufacturing province that has suffered from air pollution. Their findings were summarized in this report in December 2022.
Dec 23, 2022

Change of Freight Demand With China’s Carbon Goals and Its Impact on Carbon and Air Pollutant Emissions

In December 2022, the Chinese Academy for Environmental Planning released this research report evaluating future freight demand change in China against the backdrop of the country’s carbon goals, and its impact on carbon and criteria air pollutant emissions. The research was supported by Energy Foundation China.
Dec 20, 2022

Towards Zero-Carbon Power——Exploring a Pathway of New Power System Suitable for China’s National Conditions

In December 2022, Energy Foundation China and the Rocky Mountain Institute jointly released this report about China’s pathway toward a new zero-carbon power system.
Dec 13, 2022

The Belt and Road Renewable Energy Database and Case Studies

In December 2022, supported by Energy Foundation China, the International Institute of Green Finance (IIGF) at the Central University of Finance and Economics completed the Belt and Road renewable energy cooperation database project and released this case study report.
Dec 1, 2022

Finance-Supported Low Carbon Transformation of Coal Industry in Coal-Reliant Cities in China: Examples of Ordos and Holingol, Inner Mongolia

In December 2022, with the support of Energy Foundation China, the International Institute of Green Finance at China’s Central University of Finance and Economics released this report exploring how green finance can help decarbonize the coal industry in cities that have been driven by growth from the industry.
Nov 28, 2022

Triple Networks Integration: Principles and Tactics for Optimizing Beijing’s Non-Motorized Traffic System

In November 2022, with the support of Energy Foundation China, the Beijing Municipal Institute of City Planning and Design and Peking University’s Territorial Planning and Design Institute released this report on how to integrate Beijing’s three non-motorized traffic networks of pedestrian-bicycle lanes, greenways, and waterfront spaces.
Nov 14, 2022

Reusing, Recycling, and Disposing of Retired Power Batteries of Electric Vehicles in Hainan Province

In November 2022, the Hainan New Energy Vehicle Promotion Center and the China Auto Information Technology (Tianjin) Co., Ltd. released this report proposing how to build a reusing, recycling, and disposing system for retired power batteries of electric vehicles in Hainan, the island province that has targeted to ban the sales of internal combustion engine vehicles by 2030. Energy Foundation China supported the research.
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