Research on Applications of Low Wind Speed Power in ASEAN

Research on Applications of Low Wind Speed Power in ASEAN
In December 2021, with support from Energy Foundation China, the China Renewable Energy Engineering Institute and the ASEAN Centre for Energy released this report assessing the great potential for member states of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (AMS) to develop low wind speed power (LWSP). It calculates the development potential and applicability of the LWSP technology in the AMS, and identifies critical tasks for ASEAN’s future wind power development. According to the report, the total technically exploitable capacity of wind power in 10 AMS is 1,112.3 gigawatt, of which 834.0 gigawatt can be exploited in the range of 5–6 m/s wind speed, accounting for 75 percent of the total technical exploitation amount. The range is lower than 7m/s, a speed deemed exploitable for harnessing energy through conventional wind turbines. It will be a great opportunity for the AMS to take advantage of this study as a guiding reference to redefine their wind power development goals or even their renewable energy targets in a larger scale and aim greater benefit through the adoption of the LWSP technology.