Qingdao’s Energy Development Strategy for the 14th Five-Year Plan Period

Qingdao’s Energy Development Strategy for the 14th Five-Year Plan Period
In January 2022, with support from Energy Foundation China, SinoCarbon Innovation and Investment published this research report proposing a viable five-year clean energy strategy for Qingdao, the bustling city of 10 million people on China’s east coast.
The report puts forward an ambitious energy development vision for Qingdao for the 14th Five-Year period (2021–2025) and beyond, identifies the city’s major energy goals, implementation pathway, and key measures, and offers suggestions for next-step priorities. This research provides solid scientific evidence as Qingdao formulates its local 14th Five-Year Energy Development Plan and relevant supporting policies. The authors hope it can also help lay a foundation for a green, low carbon circular economy in an important manufacturing hub located in one of China’s most populous provinces.