Four Presentations from the Supply Curve Workshop held by HYDROCHINA

Four Presentations from the Supply Curve Workshop held by HYDROCHINA
HYDROCHINA held a workshop in cooperation with NREL and Energy Foundation on supply curve study and transmission planning issues on December 13th, 2010. Dr. WANG Jixue of HYDROCHINA, CSEP BPN international expert Mr. Ric O'connel and his colleague from Black and Veach prepared and delivered presentations to introduce findings of China's ongoing efforts and international experience in the area. The 4 presentations of this workshop listed below are now available on the Energy Foundation website:
1. Research on economically exploitable potential of wind_WANG Jixue_CN ( in Mandarin)
2. Transmission Planning for Renewables_BV_EN (in English)
3. Methodoloy for Supply Curve Development_BV_EN (in English)
4. Levelized Cost of Energy Calculation_BV_EN (in English)