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Aug 1, 2014

2014 China Passenger Vehicle Fuel Consumption Development Annual Report

The Innovation Center for Energy and Transportation (iCET) is a unique China-based non-profit third party organization that has been involved in the development of fuel economy policies in China since 2002. Leveraged by its deep market understanding and regulatory outreach, iCET developed China’s first and most comprehensive vehicle database from 2006. This year’s report is iCET’s fourth annual report, which tracked China’s fuel economy implementation status, trends and recommendations.
Jul 15, 2014

Researches on Building Demolition Management Policy

This project analyzed the causes of building demolition, identified the existing problems in management level and the approval process, and also surveyed the advanced experience in building demolition management of other countries with the intention to provide solid and sound suggestions in the strict management of building demolition in China.
Jun 30, 2014

Policy Research on Construction Waste Recycling and Reutilization

This project has analyzed the construction waste recycling and reutilization situation at home and abroad, which included laws and regulations, preferential policy, supervision mechanism, technical system and so on, and then it has made clear the gap and problems between China and foreign countries. Through establishing the production amount estimation model of construction waste in China, the project has realized the estimating of production amount of every year, the total amount, and the forecasting amount in 2020.
May 28, 2014

Evaluating California's Zero-Emission Vehicle (ZEV) Credits and Trading Mechanism and its Potential Suitability for China

This report is aimed at introducing the California ZEV-Credits Program, a recent innovative scheme for incentivizing sustainable vehicle production and financing clean transportation technologies development through the transportation sector.
Apr 14, 2014

Low-Carbon Development Path for China’s New-Type Urbanization: Challenges, Strategies and Practices

To help facilitate an economically and environmentally sustainable urbanization pattern, this report focuses on three main fields: effective land use, green transportation, and efficient energy consumption.
Dec 20, 2013

Feasibility Study on Promoting Passive Residential Housing in China

Base on successful results of the pilot of “Zaishuiyifang” in Qinhuangdao in Hebei province, the first passive housing in China,the project has been researched the feasibility of passive residential housing in China.
Nov 25, 2013

The National Standard Design Standard for Energy Efficiency of Public Building Amendment Supporting Research

The amendment of the National Standard Design Standard for Energy Efficiency of Public Buildings (GB50189-2005) has been listed in the Plan of 2012 National Project Construction Standards Compiling and Amendment by MOHURD. CABR takes charge in the amendment. This project has investegated and survey the comliance of the standard in the past 7 years, figure out the problem and flaws for the current implementation, proposed a seriers of fundemental research to support the revision of the National Standard.
Nov 20, 2013

Research on evaluation standard for green store building and analysis on green building operation efficiency

It is an important measure to promote energy efficiency and emission reduction in the way of Green building. The pollution brought by buildings accounts for one third of the total pollution in 2012, construction rubbish reaches hundreds of millions every year, domestic wastewater reaches 5.8 million cube meter produced everyday. The energy consumption ratio of construction has grew from 10% to 27.5% since 1978. If consideredthe material product and construction course, it would be more than 40% of total energy usage. Otherwise it also brings about large energy and resource consumption in building operation. Green building, Energy saving and emission reduction, can reduce building energy usage and Greenhouse gas emissions which have great significance to achieve the target of reduction 40-45% of carbon dioxide emission per GDP by 2020.
Aug 15, 2013

Existing building energy saving retrofit policy research driven by contract energy management (CEM)

This project aims to study on M&V method of energy savings in CEM projects so as to enhance the improvement of relative standards, regulations and policies in Shanghai. It also aims to investigate the benefits sharing mode in large public building CEM projects and to share experience in Shanghai and other cities via training and workshops.
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