Reaching Air Quality Standard and a Carbon Peak in Chinese Cities: Methodology and Case Studies

Reaching Air Quality Standard and a Carbon Peak in Chinese Cities: Methodology and Case Studies
In May 2023, with the support of Energy Foundation China, Tsinghua University released this report presenting how cities in China can attain air quality standard and peak their carbon emissions at the same time.
The study builds an economic-energy-emission coupled dynamic response analysis method, as well as a collaborative analysis framework of achieving air quality standards and peaking carbon emissions in different types of cities, before it dynamically predicts future changes in energy consumption and emissions in Chinese cities, and comprehensively evaluates the impact of various measures for industrial, energy, transportation, and land use structure adjustments. Furthermore, the study explores the pathways and strategies of also reaching carbon peaking targets under the guidance of air quality goals, providing research findings that can help with decision-making for how to attain the dual goals simultaneously at the city level.