Climate-Friendly Bank Evaluation and Carbon Accounting for China’s Financial Sector

Climate-Friendly Bank Evaluation and Carbon Accounting for China’s Financial Sector
In March 2022, the CECEP Environmental Consulting Group published two reports about China’s financial sector: one evaluates how climate-friendly the banks are, and the other proposes how to calculate banks’ carbon emissions. The two reports were written under one research project, with the support of Energy Foundation China.
The first report conducts a sustainability performance evaluation on six financial institutions in China—including state-owned banks, private commercial banks, and multinational banks—based on their strategic goals, information disclosure, climate risk management, climate financial innovation, and carbon footprint management, . The second report develops a carbon accounting methodology and tool for corporate banking businesses and applies the methodology to three banks in China.
Covering the two important topics of climate evaluation and carbon accounting, this research project can be helpful for accelerating the low carbon transition of China’s financial sector.